Senin, 18 Oktober 2010

Peek 9 Portable Email Device

Peek 9 Portable Email Device - Peek launched the new Peek 9 portable email device. According to the company, the new model is 9 times faster than the Peek Pronto offers more mobile reception. The Peek 9 functions as Facebook and Twitter integration, peek maps found in real time on Google Maps, Peek local weather forecast, the integration of Exchange ActiveSync push email support, RSS reader streams.

The newest Peek 9 can now open & view Word documents, PDFs, spreadsheets attachments directly. It also offers free unlimited Peek-to-cell phone SMS. The thin & tough Peek comes including with QWERTY keyboard and days of battery life. The Peek 9 packs a 104MHz ARM7 processor and runs Peekux OS. It supports tri-band 800/1800/1900 GPRS networks.

Available in Charcoal Gray and Black Cherry, the Peek 9 is priced at $69.99 or $99.99 with 2 months of service.

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