Jumat, 15 Oktober 2010

Nokia N900 Can Dual Boot Meego & Maemo

Nokia N900 Can Dual Boot Meego & Maemo - Nokia N900 does have long circulated, but now there are new toys that can be affixed on the Nokia N900 is Meego OS that can be added in addition to OS Maemo luggage. PR Release 1.3 update for Nokia N900 released soon and allow the owner to do a dual boot N900 Maemo and Meego. Maemo release of PR 1.2 has been released since last May.

But this installation is at risk because we know Meego is an open source project and is not officially supported by Nokia for the Nokia N900. Meego OS currently supports audio, 3G and voice calls on the Nokia N900. Looks like next week or next software update will allow users N900 users enjoy a dual boot.

And this feature is apparently not intended for just anyone, but more on Meego developers to try this OS on the original device, not emulator.

via pancawara.com
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