Sabtu, 16 Oktober 2010

Emotive Robotic Avatar

Emotive Robotic Avatar - Emotive robot is a robot designed to convey nuances of emotion controlled by the operator of a remote. Using a combination of expressions in their eyes, the color of the antenna, body language, and digital sound which is modulated by the operator, the robot is going to reveal five feelings - happy, confused, angry, sad, and ashamed. puppet stand on a stage that hides 19 integrated motor that controls the realistic motion puppet animation. Emotive robot is controlled remotely via a tablet PC that came up to a distance of 30 inches.

Owner adjust the robot emotions by tapping the screen on the tablet with a stylus - a cheerful emotions will be marked with an antenna that stands upright, full of bright green eyes, and chest up, whereas if the antenna limp, blue eyes half-full, and the body slumped and head look down would convey expressions of grief.

A microphone and camera pinhole size, allowing the operator to see and hear what was observed by the robot via a PC screen and headset. Real-time responses to questions modulated through stereo processor embedded in the robot's mouth, the sound waves from the service will be digested by the two speakers on this robot mulat.

Terbuat dari kerangka aluminium dengan cetakan plastik ABS 3D, robot telah dilengkapi dengan LED multicolor 18 pada setiap mata dan satu multicolor LED di setiap antena. Boneka ini dibuat berdasarkan pesanan karena harganya yang sangat mahal sekitar U$ 65.000, dan memiliki ukuran 54 “H x 24″ W x 24 “D dan berat sekitar 75 lbs.

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