Sabtu, 09 Oktober 2010

Cherrypal CherryPad Android Tablet Specification

Cherrypal CherryPad Android Tablet Specification – Cherrypal has launched their first tablet which rungs Google’s Android OS, the Cherrypad and it will come with Android 2.1 when it goes on sale and an update to the latest version of Android, 2.2 Froyo will be available later this yet.

Specification :

- Android 2.1 (with an Android 2.2 update promised)
- 800MHz ARM11 processor
- 2GB flash storage
- microSD card expansion
- 7-inch resistive touchscreen display
- 3,200mAh battery
- Wi-Fi b/g

Despite the fact that we, and probably everyone, have compared it to the iPad, CherryPal CTO Max Seybold had this to say: “The CherryPad America does not compete against the Apple iPad. The CherryPad addresses the sub-iPad market.” Who knows how this thing will perform, but at just $188, it seems like a bargain at any rate.

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