Selasa, 19 Oktober 2010

Samsung Ch@t 322 Specification

Samsung Ch@t 322 Specification - The Samsung has officially announced the release of its first dual SIM bar phone that called Samsung Ch@t 322. The Ch@t 322 phone feature full QWERTY keyboard and supports works in two cellular operators at same time.

Specification of Samsung Ch@t 322 :

- Dual SIM GSM
- QWERTY keypad
- 1.3 mega-pixel camera
- DUOS user interface
- USB 2.0 connectivity
- Trackball
- Auto Pull e-mail feature
- Social networking support
- Bluetooth
- Music Player
- Video Player

The Samsung Ch@t 322 will be launched in November 2010 initially in Russia and will roll out to CIS, Southeast Asia, India, China, Middle East, and Africa afterwards. Samsung not yet release the pricing information and detailed specifications like battery type and region availability. But overall with the looks and initial specifications, the phone seems to be good for social networking and SMS with mid-range price tag.

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