Jumat, 15 Oktober 2010

Klout, Measuring Influence on Facebook

Klout, Measuring Influence on Facebook - If a Twitter users can see how much influence his tweet, as well as measuring the influence of Facebook users. This measurement service called Klout.

Klout social media analysis service, which is known to influence the measurement value in Twitter has launched a version of its platform that can measure the influence of users on Facebook.

Klout before using the data varies from Twitter to find out 'Rating Klout' or representations of influence on Twitter. Platform analysis of this analyze Twitter and Facebook accounts as retweets metrics, number of followers, a list of members and others to calculate everything, from whom that affect the user. Similarly, as quoted by Mashable, Thursday (14/10/2010).

Klout now trying to do the same on Facebook. Once the user is already connected to a Twitter account, Klout will draw data such as Likes, comments and friendship networks of users to measure the effects on Facebook. It takes time for 72 hours for data to be processed and your Klout value will be updated.

Rather than representing Facebook and Twitter with different values, Klout decided to integrate them into one Klout Score. If users are worried about connecting the account up with Klout would lower their value, then Klout said that it will not happen.

Earlier this year, Klout produce $ 1, 5 million in Series A funding from Mayfield Fund, Lucid Ventures, ff Asset Management, Paige Craig and others.

via pancawara.com
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