Selasa, 19 Oktober 2010

New Macbook Air Specification

New Macbook Air Specification - Not the first time rumors circulated about the new MacBook Air, an update to the MacBook Air that is long enough age (nearly 3 years) than the other Apple products. This update is mainly on the smaller size, 11.6 inches and the importance of speed and portability.

New Macbook Air Specification :

- 11.6-inch model
- 2.1 GHz and 2.4 GHz processor options
- 8-10 hours of battery life (vs. a “claimed” 5 hours in the current model)
- NVIDIA GeForce 320M graphics
- Upgradeable RAM (2 GB base) and SSD options
- New thinner case design
- An SD card slot, two USB ports, standard MagSafe port and Mini DisplayPort

The new Macbook Air is rumored to be considerably cheaper than the current Macbook Air’s $1,500 starting price. The 11.6 inch version may be priced as low as $999, while the 13 inch version might cost $1100. The source points out that the 64GB iPad starts at $700, and the MacBook Air doesn’t have many more components.

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