Senin, 11 Oktober 2010

Sharp IS03 Android Specification

Sharp IS03 Android Specification - Sharp recently introduced the first Android phones with hardware specs very tinggi.Sharp IS03 will be launched for operator AU KDDI in Japan, and has the same size screen with the iPhone that is 3.5-inch and a resolution of no less also the touchscreen display 960 × 640 - pixels. It is not clear if the display panel together with Apple, but it is the most populous in the handset display, for non-Apple handset.

Sharp IS03 Android Specification :

- Android 2.1 Eclair
- 9.6 Megapixel Camera
- 1.0 GHz Processor [Speculated]
- Advanced Super View [ASV] Retina Display
- Wi-Fi
- Bluetooth
- CDMA Networks Only
- One-Seg TV Tuner
- MicroSD Card Slot
- Dedicated Onscreen Home, Menu, Back And Search Buttons

There are no details on how much it will cost when it goes on sale in Japan, and also no details on whether we will see a version of the Sharp iS03 launching in the US and Europe.

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