Selasa, 14 September 2010

Nintendo 3DS

The awesome Nintendo 3DS could be making its way into the wild on 20 November. That’s according to a tweet from an accessories maker, who reckons his add-ons for the three-dimensional winner will go one sale “simultaneously” with the console.

The employee of Keys Factory, which has made a number of extras for the handheld hub. One of the workers there sent out a tweet saying…

“On November 20th, the 11 goods I designed for use with the 3DS will go on sale simultaneously. Those of you buying the 3DS, please buy them while you’re at it! This will be officially announced on the homepage eventually, lol. Best regards.”

Of course the designer who made the goods for the 3DS might be wrong although we assume the company is given a rough date to work towards so that they are ready for a simultaneous launch.

We’ll watch out for details in a couple of weeks time to let you know how much it will be and when/where it is getting launched.

Source : Nintendo 3DS -
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