Selasa, 21 September 2010

HP launches Photosmart eStation Android tablet

HP today showed off “Photosmart eStation” printer, which comes with a detachable 7” Android tablet. This tablet lets you access HP’s web-connected printing apps; you can also use it as a digital photo frame, for web browsing, social networking and more.

The Tablet with printer will be sold for $399. According to HP, tablet has a Freescale i.MX51 CPU, and can run for 4 to 6 hours with single charge.

The tablet runs Android 2.1 and has a few important apps built in, including Facebook, Email, and weather apps. But it doesn’t include access to the Google Android Market for downloading and installing third party apps.

I’m not sure how hard it would be to install apps manually, but HP has hand-selected a bunch of apps that will work well with the device — and with the printer. It looks like HP also designed a custom user interface which runs on top of Google Android. There is a music player, which is one of the only apps that’s not directly tied to the printer.

Source : HP Photosmart eStation Printer -
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