Jumat, 03 September 2010

Google Chrome 6

Chrome has celebrated its 2nd birthday with the introduction of the stable version of Chrome 6 for the masses. Chrome 6 is 3 times faster than the first version of Chrome, which shows leaps and bounds of improvement.

Google Chrome also has one of the fastest development cycles, and has quickly reached version 6.0 for their stable version and version 7 for their development cycle. Chrome 7 is exciting in several ways with the introduction of hardware acceleration and voice translation along with Chrome Labs which should be part of dev channel shortly.

The interface tweaks aren’t major, but add to the browser’s simplicity. Most noticeably, Chrome’s two major menus have been consolidated into one. Some buttons (like bookmarks) have been shifted around, the color scheme has been revisited, and loading a page over HTTPS now displays a green padlock in the URL bar.

Google Chrome 6 includes patches for 14 total security vulnerabilities, including six high-priority flaws, and the company paid out a total of $4,337 in bug bounties to researchers who reported the vulnerabilities. A number of the flaws that didn’t qualify for bug bounties were discovered by members of Google’s internal security team.

The new release of Chrome also fixes an older bug, a Windows kernel flaw, that Google had thought it fixed in a previous version.The highest bug bounty, $1337, was paid for an integer error in WebSockets found by Keith Campbell. A second high-priority flaw, a sandbox parameter deserialization error, was discovered by two members of Adobe’s Reader Sandbox Team.

Google says today’s JavaScript performance is three times faster than the original build in 2008, and plenty of low, medium and high-ranking security holes have been patched in the latest edition.

Source :
Google Chrome 6 - Pancawara.com
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