Selasa, 21 September 2010

Top 10 Best Global Brands 2010

Coca-Cola has retained its spot as the world’s best brand despite the soaring value of technology companies, a survey showed. IBM, Microsoft and Google round out the top four with General Electric keeping McDonald’s out of the top five. Google’s leap from last year’s rank 7th to this year’s 4th place helped to displace Nokia from fifth to eighth place.

Top ten best global brands 2010 :

1. Coca-Cola - Beverages - $70,452
2. IBM - Business Services - $64,727
3. Microsoft - Computer Software - $60,895
4. Google - Internet Services - $43,557
5. GE - Diversified - $42,808
6. McDonald's - Restaurants - $33,578
7. Intel - Electronics - $32,015
8. Nokia - Electronics - $29,495
9. Disney - Media - $28,731
10. HP - Electronics - $26,867

The ranking lists the top 100 brands based on a unique methodology that analyzes the many ways a brand touches and benefits an organization; a brand's value is determined by the financial performance of the branded products or services, the role of brand in the purchase decision process, and the strength of the brand to continue to secure earnings for the company.

Source :
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