Selasa, 21 September 2010

Apple relaxes Google Voice apps again

Apple is once again admitting apps built around Google Voice into its App Store, after a high-profile stand-off. Last summer, Apple hastily ejected a series of apps built on Google's VoIP service from the iPhone App Store. Google Voice allows users to make cheap long-distance calls, potentially upsetting Apple's telephone network partners.

Google Voice apps had originally been allowed on the App Store but had then been banned because they supposedly duplicated iPhone features even though there were fundamental differences. However since the dramatic turnaround from Apple it seems things really are changing. Yesterday we heard that GV Connect had arrived in the App Store, bringing Google Voice to the iPhone and now today Samuel Axon over on Mashable , sourced from BGR, tells us that yet another Google Voice App has now been approved.

The developer of the GV Mobile + app, Sean Kovacs, said that the app had now been approved and went on Twitter to say that it will be coming. The cost will be $2.99, the same as GV Connect, and it will enable playback and transcription of voicemails plus call imitation along with many other features. It does seem then that Apple’s reversal in policy is set to be a good thing for many and hats off to Apple for realizing this.

GV Mobile + now appears on the App Store, priced at £1.79

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