Selasa, 21 September 2010

Microsoft Zune in UK

Microsoft’s Zune has never been officially released here in Blighty, instead relying on tech evangelists and import fanatics to gain ground. Until now, that is. The Big M has confirmed that Zune software will be the way you sync up a phone packing Windows Phone 7, and as such it means it’s bringing its stellar line up of services to the UK.

When the service arrives customers will be able to purchase music tracks from the Zune Marketplace and listen to them on a Windows-based PC, Windows Phone 7 or Xbox 360. The Zune Pass will provide unlimited downloading and streaming access to the Zune music catalogue for £8.99 per month, although an Xbox Live Gold membership is still required to access the service on the Xbox 360.

Microsoft also has an MP3 player with the same name - which never officially made it to the UK and probably never will. Here, the company should do better with the software side of things, as it can claim massive distribution welly, through tie-ins with Windows-based PCs, Windows Phone 7 and XBox Live. OK maybe not Windows Phone 7... if Microsoft really wanted to make Zune fly on mobiles, it would be better off integrating the service with Android. But perhaps we are missing the point.

You will be able to do it all with music purchase, video purchase and video rental facility. Zune also provides full integration of Windows PC, Zune and Xbox LIVE.

via Microsoft Zune -
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