Selasa, 21 September 2010

Blue Mikey for Flip Launched

Blue Microphones announced Mikey for Flip, a professional-quality external microphone that lets Flip Video users capture even better sound for their Flip videos. As part of the new Designed for Flip accessory line, Mikey for Flip connects to all FlipPort enabled Flip video cameras and features Blue Microphone’s premium capsules for enhanced recording of everything from a whisper to a rock concert.

The new Mikey for Flip mic is compatible with all Flip camcorders with the FlipPort accessory connector. The Mic also has a mic input jack to support additional microphones if required and is powered by an internal AAA battery.

The microphone otherwise has a plug for a traditional external microphone and an automatic external microphone. It also gets a Loud setting for muting out loud background noises, such as when at a concert. The bottom of the add-on has a tripod mount.

The Mikey won't ship until January of next year, with the price expected to fall in at $69.

via Blue Mikey -
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